The Melby Wealth G.R.O.W. Process for Financial Planning


In this phase, you schedule a meeting with us for an Initial Complimentary Consultation. If we are a good fit and would like to proceed with our services, we sign the agreements and proceed to gathering your information to start the financial planning and investment management process.

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We then proceed to analyzing the data that was gathered. We use this data to develop your custom plan. We will review our initial plan with you and make recommendations.

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Once the plan has been approved, we help you implement our recommendations and hold you accountable. We are a partner with you and want to make sure you succeed. Our clients proceed to the Client Services Calendar rotation beginning in this phase.

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In the final phase, we help monitor our clients progress towards achieving the goals set forth in the plan. We evaluate how this is going for them and adjust the plan accordingly. The client receives regular contact from us going forward.